Don't be in the dark.
Know what to do.

Don’t be in the dark about the fact that you need a Power Outage Plan.


With severe and unpredictable weather like heatwaves, storms, bushfires and cyclones on the rise, your power could be out for longer, and more often. Your power company will be working to get the power back on, but it’s important that you know what to do. Everything you need to get started is right here.

Imagine this.

One moment the lights are on; the next they’re not. The power is out unexpectedly, and you’re in the dark without knowing how long it will last.

Will you know what to do in that moment? Especially when extreme weather means the power could be out for much longer.

There are many important things to consider, but that’s hard to do when you’re already in the dark. It can be scary and overwhelming.

That’s why everyone needs to prepare when the lights are on, and it’s easy to do.

It’s as easy as:

Check. Plan. Do.


the ‘Power Outage Checklist’ to shine a light on the things you need to think about.


ahead by having the right conversations in your household and completing your ‘Power Outage Plan’ together.


So you’ll know what to do.

No one wants an unplanned power outage; but when it happens, everyone wants to know what to do.  

Will you stay in the dark, or will you know what to do?

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My Power Outage Checklist

Start your thinking here

This simple checklist helps you think through what you need to include in your Power Outage Plan

There are six areas to consider:



Have you talked with the people around you?



Have you thought about everything you’ll need?



How will you communicate and receive information?



Have you thought about how you’ll see in the dark?



How will you stay comfortable?



How will you keep your surroundings safe? (Your home, property, transport.)

My Power Outage Plan

My plan, my way

Let’s get this done.

Download ‘My Power Outage Plan.’

Then, if the power goes out, your plan will light the way while your power company works hard to get the power back on for you.

Where to go for more information

Information during power outages in your area

Energy companies in your state or territory can update you on power outages. Visit their websites or call them, see details below.


South-East Queensland residents contact Energex

All other Queensland residents contact Ergon Energy

New South Wales

Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter region residents contact Ausgrid 

Sydney’s Greater West, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, the Illawarra and South Coast residents contact Endeavour Energy

All other NSW residents contact Essential Energy


Melbourne city and inner-suburb residents contact CitiPower

Northern and north-western suburb residents contact Jemena

Southern suburb and Mornington Peninsula residents contact United Energy Distribution 

Western suburb and western Victoria residents contact Powercor Australia

Outer-northern and eastern suburb and eastern Victoria residents contact AusNet Services 

South Australia

For most residents in South Australia, contact SA Power Networks 24/7 

For people in very remote communities, power may be supplied via your local council or similar agency; check your electricity bill or with someone in your local community if you are not sure.


For all residents of Tasmania, contact TasNetworks 

Western Australia

Horizon Power customers contact 

Western Power customers contact

All other WA residents contact Horizon Power 

Northern Territory

For all residents of the Northern Territory, contact Power and Water Corporation

Tune your radio to stay connected

1. Search

Visit to find your local radio frequency.

2. Write it down

Write it down, e.g. ABC Pilbara 603 AM — and stick it to the battery-powered radio in your emergency survival kit.

3. Tune your car radio

You can also tune the frequency to one of your car radio preset stations. 

Visit 'how to listen to abc radio in an emergency' for instructions.  


Share your ideas on social media!

Help others to be prepared in an unplanned power outage.

Use these hashtags 

#PowerOutagePlan #CheckPlanDo #KnowWhatToDo


This initiative is supported by The Energy Charter. The Power Outage Plan was co-developed in consultation with our Customer + Community Outcomes Group, made up of customer representatives and energy businesses through the #BetterTogether Community Resilience initiative, see here for a full list of members.

The Energy Charter is a collaboration platform that brings together community and consumer representatives with energy businesses to help put people at the centre of the energy system.

Our industry collaborators AusNet and Endeavour Energy are leading this initiative, with Ausgrid, Essential Energy and SA Power Networks collaborating.

Hi there! I’m a test site.

This microsite is a test site that has been co-developed with representatives from our Lived Experience Panel and industry Collaborators. Further feedback is being incorporated over the coming weeks. Following this, key messages will be translated into 11 different languages, and Auslan and Easy Read versions will be available soon too. We’re also looking forward to sharing a First Nations version with you in 2025.

If you have any feedback, please send an email to